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Hi there!

Today we will learn...


Message from the future.

LevelShip is modern education and training for K-12 in the digital age. It solves the disconnect between existing learning-teaching methods, and the new times. By acting and adapting automatically, through real-time interaction, LevelShip accurately recognizes learning patterns, and recommends material to enhance individual experience and efficiently allocate users' skills.         

An intelligent agent serves as an intermediary between learners' capacities and their efficacy - allowing for fast and precise career (job) placement. Because delivering a quick response to this and future crises secures human subsistence.


As a matter of fact, data-driven artificial intelligence (AI), is propelling the new industrial revolution. Human-machine interaction is essential to the course of events that will define future livelihood. 


Therefore, our technology accounts for what must be the center of civilization - You. 


Training and development

Knowledge engineering

Individualized Learning




Your level,

your success!


AI for Learning


As machine learning becomes the brain of the 21st century, harnessing its power is increasingly necessary in every sector. Incorporating AI to education, business and industry is inevitable and better done early.


Actually, as the cornerstone of AI, data is the force behind our species' motion going forward. Therefore, this exponential technology will continue to grow and enhance our daily activities.   

Emerging Rule is researching and developing products and digital techniques that enhance the learning experience. Ultimately, our organization looks to globally deploy solutions that favor educational democratization , and the safe and responsible implementation of the new digital systems.  


AI benefits on the learning and development process

(quality, ease, contemporaneity & accessibility)

Encourage and facilitate individualized learning


  • Learners leverage the models to enhance their skills, learning pace, and understanding capabilities

  • Student are guided to sharpen their unique abilities and potential

  • Teachers and students enjoy a more accessible, intuitive, and simple process

  • Institutions reduce learning times to focus on quality of education over quantity


Enhance learning process

  • AI receives real-time users feedback, allowing developers and engineers to improve the system and update as necessary

  • The technology is constantly evolving to give the users an experience that meets personalized requirements

Better completion rates

  • Targeted and customized lesson plans increase involvement and subject interest, as well as, providing relevant content to

  • Milestones are accelerated to increment engagement


Accessibility to all


  • 24/7 interaction

  • Available learning resources at disposal

On-hand Digital tutors/trainers

  • AI eases pressure and burdens by providing educators with accurate solutions, and real-time questions or queries recommendation

  • AI allows continuous learning

Expert Recommendation

  • System foresees the users' choices in a large lists of items and suggests matching material to improve knowledge and retention

  • Quick and to-the-point recommendations are tailored to each user's needs and preferences



develop your skills & never stay behind.

Major benefits of AI-driven learning:

  • Individualized student/teacher interaction

  • Fast skills recognition

  • Self-paced learning & recommendation

  • 24/7 safe & accurate platform


keep moving forward with the rest of the world.

Benefits of AI-driven teaching/training:

  • Information overload & tasks reduction

  • Precision & accuracy

  • Record coordination handling & management

  • Automated assessment, support & recognition 



embrace the power of new technologies.

Major benefits of AI-driven care:

  • Personal assistance 

  • Continuous workload

  • Knowledge conversion - data into information & information into knowledge

  • Predictive identification

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