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⬛ About:
Education is at the center of individual fulfillment and innovation. You could lead the modernization of our nation, its industries, and sectors by ensuring that educational governance makes learning more transparent, efficient and effective; to boost innovation. In these times, decentralizing decision making is key to innovation because obscurity, deficiency, and incompetence must be avoided and accounted for to achieve actualization. Even more, in order to welcome the fourth industrial revolution through the lens of diversity, inclusion, equity and accessibility our population should engage in the decision-making processes that are forging the future.
As part of National Science Foundation (NSF) Regional Innovation Engine's (NSF Engines) program - which will award up to USD $160 MM to "galvanizing use-inspired research, technology translation and workforce development within the US" - Emerging Rule has been invited to submit a Proposal for a decentralized K-12 and the Future of Accountability, Education, and Work.
Submitted for Puerto Rico (as the leading Region), the Engine proposes to decentralize pockets of innovation using Blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI) to interconnect model institutions. As per NSF's guidelines, this project aims to improve resource management, "cultivate and sustain activities in use-inspired research and development; the translation of the resulting innovations to practice through entrepreneurship, stakeholder development, and meaningful partnerships; and workforce development at all levels including experiential learning leading to researchers, practitioners, technicians, innovators, entrepreneurs, and others." t
⬛ Mission & Values:
Mission: Upgrade education systems to enhance their transparency, security and trust.
Vision: A world where everyone has access to quality information, as a universal human right.
Values: trustworthiness, equity, accessibility, diversity and inclusion.
⬛ Financial significance:
"NSF Engines will provide seed funding to enable awardees to lay the groundwork for establishing a new NSF Engine, with the goal of catalyzing an innovation ecosystem for a specific topic area (Education). The submission process is divided into (Type 1 and Type 2 proposals): Type-1 awards are intended to allow teams to prepare for the submission of a successful Type-2 proposal. The duration of a Type-1 award is up to 24 months, with a maximum proposed budget of $1 million."
If successful, the Type 1 will lead to an award of USD $160 MM over 10 years.
⬛ Goal:
Scale nationally and market globally to enhance education, training and development, by achieving a shared and immutable way of sharing educational content. Securing accountability and decentralized decision-making to the great value of individual growth for common benefit.
⬛ The Problem:
Traditionally averse to educational transformation and reformation, the educational government agencies have been reluctant to sustain a culture of innovation that would lead to the success of future-driven ecosystems.
However, a resurgence of compromised organizations, institutions and individuals promises to mitigate the impact of past mishaps.
K-12 Blockchain Accountability Engine improves the conditions that will speedup an innovation-driven paradigm shift, secure wealth, and benefit the public through decentralized & transparent decision-making, automation and interconnectivity.
Engine's 10 Elements of Transformation for Success
1. Board & Executive Team Strategic Innovation:
Lead by an exponential innovation framework - focused on existing technologies, models and techniques - the Engine's design and structure aligns decision-makers to accelerate innovation rapidly, both technologically and organizationally.
By measuring and propelling diversity, inclusion, accessibility, equity and waste reduction, this decentralized & data-driven group of managers will support the distribution and electronic storage of information, as well as the maintenance of secure records of transactions. Mapping these core components will allow the Regional Innovation Ecosystem to leverage unique capabilities, commercialize leading-edge technologies and solutions, and serve as a pillar of National innovation to scale.
"Once awarded, each Engine must form at least two boards:
• Governance Board: Composed of the lead Engine organization and a representative set
of the Engine’s partners, this board provides, at a minimum, administrative oversight of
the Engine’s activities and is responsible for the Engine’s performance. The CEO is a
member of the Governance Board.
• Advisory Board: Composed of individuals external to the Engine, this board provides, at a
minimum, recommendations to the Governance Board as needed."
2. Responsibility for Innovation:
Innovation is an individual action that drives common applications. For this reason, positioning innovation capabilities in the decision-making processes is key to the success of the Region. Better results can materialize from the correct allocation of skills, qualities and competencies. The Engine's planning and future scenarios should prioritize coexistence between humans, machines, and nature in order to secure creativity, implementation and sustainability.
Therefore, in order to achieve its optimal capacity, the Engine will responsibly educate, train, staff, equip and operate its resources on next-generation processes, technologies, and systems.
3. Diversified Investment:
In an Age of Transformation, the future should be seen through a different lens. Education, as a fundamental pillar of innovation, needs to improve and grow at the same pace that technological advancements are upgrading.
In fact, a diversified investment approach will ensure that with Education and Upskilling at the core, innovation is lean and agile; considering emerging technologies, trends and disruptions to channel the resulting circular innovation ecosystem into embracing change, creating new opportunities, and identifying unforeseen problems and solutions, toward a new future.
4. Innovation Mapping:
Forecasting and projecting forthcoming events to make sure that innovation is relevant, timely and efficient, can be complex without proper planning, the identification of key success factors, and their recognition and analysis.
A K-12 Blockchain for Accountability innovation mapping facilitates clarity around the educational and training processes, and secures the Systematic control over how these process function. Additionally, it establishes operational norms, eliminating redundancies, and increasing visibility to comply with the requirements of a new digital age and industrial revolution.
5. Implementation Capacity:
Through the architecture of new protocols and this distributed platform, key stakeholders will be able to understand the implications of innovating and apply innovation to the most pressing issues within their institution, organization, society, or ecosystem.
Even more, a well defined distributed implementation capacity will allow access to interconnected pockets of collaboration, cooperation and support, that will enhance the region's communities and economy by "galvanizing use-inspired research, technology translation and workforce development."
6. Action Plan For Implementation:
The collection, analysis and measurement of data is key to the Engine's success. On the other hand, it is crucial to link with other Engines and its resident/visiting organizations and institutions - to track success.
The number of ideas submitted, cultivated, refined, incubated, and commercialized will be native to the Action Plan for Implementation, and will improve upon the same decentralized decision-making process, refined in the K-12 Blockchain Accountability Ecosystem by an autonomous system.
7. Beginning of a Systematic Process to Measure Progress:
The recognition and understanding of the technologies that impact innovation at large, will be continuously, securely and/or confidentially traced. An audit trail that shows where the assets came from, will allow historical data to expedite the integration of new ideas to speed innovation, while preventing fraud.
8. Designation of R&D Peripheral Vision:
A peripheral vision of the emerging trends that impact education and socioeconomic development should always be fundamental to every Engine.
Through K-12 Blockchain Accountability Engine, a powerful AI-driven network, executed, controlled or documented by smart contracts, will satisfy the need for more insights to help every stakeholder recognize and exercise partnering actions, create awareness, and maneuver changing societies and/or economies within the ecosystem, and throughout the Nation.
9. Data and Idea Gathering:
Opensource, Crowdsourcing, Crowdfunding, and Massive Open Online Courses are the cornerstone of the new methods of innovation. But, in order to effectively innovate, high-quality pipelines should be formed with the same principles on which innovation is pursued.
This Engine's data and idea gathering supports the necessity of guiding a mindset shift to deliver rapid results and increase the flow of ideas. Ultimately, in this age, innovation needs to be exponential, and ideas forward-looking and daring.
10. Products or Services Development:
Establishing and leveraging mechanisms of commercialization is the end goal. New ways of visualizing strategic development and generating solutions or creating products that satisfy the modern demand require bold thinking. At the same time, thinking, technology and innovation are always an act of sustained collaboration.
K-12 Blockchain Accountability Engine is the Genesis of a new and improved U.S.A. Support the Engine's vision and strategic plans, via a formalized partnership agreement!
"Whereas most technologies tend to automate workers on the periphery doing menial tasks, blockchains automate away the center..." - Vitalik Buterin
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